
A Not-Instruction Guide About Being a Tourist

I feel like such a tourist right now because I've been sitting here for eternity and I cant come up with a set of freaking instructions to write. But then again am I really a tourist, I'm trying right?

My writing has been

  1. check twitter
  2. write 
  3. change the song 
  4. write some more 
  5. check instagram 
  6. read what I wrote 
  7. delete what I wrote
  8. write something new 
  9. go get a snack 
  10. write 
  11. read blogs 
  12. write 
  13. watch a poetry video 
  14. write 
  15. walk around my basement 
  16. write 
  17. read what I wrote
  18. delete what I have
  19. accept that I'm a tourist and I cant do anything about it 
  20. write a not-instruction guide about being a tourist 

The Tourist