
Take Me Back

I wish life could stay simple. Like when we were young, just playing in the yard at recess and sipping our juice boxes. Now, in the real world, the yard is where the criminals go for 25 to life. But is life as a kid really much different from that, at least when you're going to school? You are trapped in a brick building all day with guards watching over you, only allowed to go outside when they say so, and you basically eat the same food in the schools and the prisons. On the plus side both prisoner and preschoolers get to use crayons for their arts and crafts. And that's what this is really supposed to be about, crayons. Crayons that can take you anywhere you dream.

Where will your crayons take you?

1 comment:

  1. now the yard is where the criminals go for 25 to life


